
What are scams and how are they dangerous?

Before we start on our cheery adventure to the heinous and often diabolical world that we call scams, you need to know what exactly scams are. Most likely, you associate scams with harmless emails that you can wave your cursor, and eliminate it to oblivion with a simple click. However, scams actually extend their atrocious roots further than what you can possibly imagine! In relative and technical terms, a scam is a terminology incorporated with any fraudulent and deceitful scheme that unjustifiably embezzles money or other precious goods. That was probably a bit confusing, but don’t worry. By the end of this lesson taught by the one and only ninja master who single handedly defeated the infernal creatures called javascript errors, you will be a master of the arts. In easy English, scams are schemes that involve other people wrongfully by taking money or goods from the said unaware person.

How do I prevent any interaction with scams online?

Now that you are aware of the crisis at hand, the next step is to become accustomed to recognizing scams and correctly approaching it so you will be safe on your adventures on the Internet. The “Golden Rule” of apprehending scams is that if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is, and you should not trust it. A complete stranger (or a bot) on the Internet posts that they are willingly giving a free iPhone XS or a new Rolls Royce Phantom for free. Let’s think. Is this a scam? If you weren’t sure about the answer, the answer is yes. (Remember the Golden Rule!) A solution to these types of situations is to simply avoid the scam is to delete it or exit the website that the scam appeared on.